A case study of a seatbelt campaign in one region of the United Kingdom.

Morris, J.P.

A case study of a seatbelt campaign in the Tyne-Tees area in the north east of England is described. It is stated that exercises such as described in this paper have to be a team effort. The controllers of the advertising, the designers, the research people, the policy people - all the multitude of interests involved must work together as a team to produce an effective campaign. Publicity campaigns are only part of a wider armoury of weapons available to the road safety experts. See also IRRD abstract no. 208624.

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B 21385 (In: B 2628) [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 208628

In: Efficiency and effectiveness of road safety campaigns : proceedings of an International Congress, The Hague, October 19-20, 1972, p. 29-32

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