Causes of car accidents. Causalité des accidents d'automobiles. Die Kausalität der Kraftfahrzeugunfälle.

Leygue, F., & J. l'Hoste

On-the-spot examinations of vehicles involved in accidents were carried out by ONSER as soon as possible after the accident took place. A special study was made of the conditions of the main safety equipment of the vehicles in order to establish whether these conditions played a part in the accident. The drivers were interviewed by psychologists.

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A 7429 (In: A 7342) IRRD 58848

In: 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, held May 13-15, 1970 in Detroit and June, 8-11, 1970 in Brussels, p. 1299-1302 ; SAE paper 700441

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