Causes of deaths in automobile accidents

Huelke, D.F. & Gikas, P.W.

One hundred and thirty-nine automobile accidents, in which 177 occupants died, were studied over a four-year period. Ejection of the occupant from the car was found to be the leading cause of death. At least 50% of the drivers at fault had been drinking prior to the collision. Collisions at the door caused a significant number of fatalities by collapsing and compromising the passenger compartment. Impacts with the steering assembly and instrument panel ranked high as causes of the fatalities. It is postulated that 40% of those killed could have survived had seat belts been worn and an additional 13%, if set belts and shoulder belts had been used.

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A 1853 fo

The Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA, Vol. 203 (1968), No. 13 (March 25), p. 98-105

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