Causes of traffic accidents in Jeddah.

Albar, H.O. Alzahrani, A.H. & Jamjoon, M.M.O.

This paper provides statistics for the incidence and severity of road accidents in Jeddah, considers their causes and recommends measures to improve the situation. The data for road accidents are analyzed by age, day of the week, month of the year, time of day, type of collision, nationality and whether the driver has a license. Speeding is found to be the most frequent cause of accidents followed by the violation of other traffic rules. Causes are found to vary considerably however over the five year study period. It is suggested this may be due to inaccurate recording or an increase in enforcement. A number of recommendations are listed including improved accident reporting forms, stronger enforcement of speeding laws, encouragement of the use of safety belts, better licensing procedures, improved road markings and signals, the erection of barriers, installation of crossings for pedestrians and better emergency facilities.

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C 1498 (In: C 1480) /80 /81 / IRRD 856319

In: Proceedings of the international part of the International symposium road traffic accidents, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 9-12, 1992, p. 166-172, 3 ref.

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