Cell phones & distracted driving. PowerPoint presentation for the 1 hour course "The growing epidemic of cell phone use while driving."

National Safety Council (NSC)

The Growing Epidemic of Cell Phone Use While Driving introduces the National Safety Council’s current recommendations on distracted driving, with an emphasis on cell phones, PDAs and other wireless mobile devices. Specific topics include the concept of distracted driving, the dangers of using a cell phone while driving, how cellphone-related distractions affect drivers and safety tips to prevent distracted driving. During the session, participants also will have an opportunity to take a short assessment to determine their own exposure to distractions. Upon completion of the course, participants will understand why it would benefit them to change their behavior while driving and stop engaging in distracting behaviors such as cell phone use and text messaging. The course encourages the behavioral change described in the course goal by giving participants the opportunity to: * Define the term “distracted” * Understand the risk of using cell phones while driving * Identify tips to prevent distracted driving * Explain why using a cell phone (handheld and hands-free) while driving is a distraction * Know the laws regarding cell phone use and text messaging in their state and states they might drive in. PowerPoint Presentation for the 1 hour course. (Author/publisher)

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20111916 c ST [electronic version only]

In: Cell Phone Policy Kit, Itasca, IL, National Safety Council NSC, 2009, 24 p.

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