Centrumvoorzieningen, mobiliteit en bereikbaarheid.

Winterwerp, F.W.

Central- town facilities are known to generate traffic to an extend that exceeds the local- authority border. Travel behaviour of inhabitants of the city of Dordrecht and especially that of inhabitants of the region, with destination the central town of Dordrecht, is the main item of this paper. Inhabitants of the region visit the central town of Dordrecht mainly for shopping or (on weekdays) for working purposes. Their modal- split is to a large extend in favour of the car.

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B 29325 (In: B 29301 [electronic version only]) /72 / IRRD 825726

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1989, Deel I: Themabijdragen, p. 399-412

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