Chain link fencing top rails : a roadside hazard.

Fogarty, W.J. Haviland, C. & Hutchinson, J.W.

Over a period of approximately six years in Dade County, Florida, in three separate motor vehicle accident events, three occupants of the involved motor vehicles lost their lives during collision with residential chain link fences. The fatal injuries received were caused by the invasion of the passenger compartment by the top rail of the chain link fence system during the off-the-road collision events. This paper reviews the respective injuries, the injury mechanisms, the vehicle factors and the environmental factors which were involved.

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B 17824 (In: B 8301 [electronic version only]) /85.1/82/

In: Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine (AAAM), San Diego, CA, November 20-22, 1975, p. 301-311, fig.

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