Chaos in dynamical systems.

Ott, E.

This book is an in-depth and broad text on the subject of chaos in dynamical systems. Topics in this book include: attractors; basins of attraction; one-dimensional maps; fractals; natural measure; strange attractors; delay coordinate embedding; fat fractals; Hausdorff dimension; symbolic dynamics; stable and unstable manifolds; Lyapunov exponents; metric and topological entropy, controlling chaos; chaotic transient; fractal basin boundaries; chaotic seaterring; quasiperiodicity; Hamiltonian systems; KAM tori; period dounling cascades; the intermittency transition to chaos; crises; bifurcations to chaos in scattering problems and in fractal basin boundaries; multifractals and partition function; finite time Lyapunov exponents; the characterization of dynamics by unstable periodic orbits; and quantum chaos in time-independent bounded systems, as well as in temporal kicked and scattering problems. Homework problems are also included throughout the book.

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950566 ST

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, XII + 385 p., 367 ref.; reprint - ISBN 0-521-43799-7

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