Characteristics of fatal crashes of 16-year-old drivers.

Williams, A.F. Preusser, D.F. Ulmer, R.G. & Weinstein, H.B.

Characteristics of the fatal crashes of 16-year-old drivers of passenger vehicles in 1993 were compared with those of older teenagers and drivers ages 20-49. Identifying the characteristics of the crashes of 16-year-olds is important because this is the age at which most states allow licensure and at which restrictions on beginning licensed driving would most commonly apply. The results suggest that restriction on teenage passengers and night driving curfews with pre-mdnight starting time (two provisions used in New Zealand's graduated licensing system) would be appropriate in attempts to reduce crashes for beginning 16-year-old drivers.

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950098 ST [electronic version only]

Arlington, VA, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety IIHS, 1995, 12 p., 26 ref.

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