Characteristics of unrestrained passenger vehicle occupant fatalities 16 and older in motor vehicle traffic crashes by time of day.


In 2006, 42,642 people died on the Nation’s highways. Of these fatalities 30,521 (72%) were passenger vehicles occu-pants of all ages, and 28,911 (68%) were occupants 16 and older. This Research Note looked at those 2006 fatalities 16 and older to identify characteristics of those who were unre-strained. Specifically: Fifty-five percent of fatalities 16 and older were unrestrained, a reduction of 4 percentage points (from 59%) from 2002. The number and percentage of unrestrained fatalities was much higher during nighttime. Sixty-four percent of fatal-ities at night were unrestrained, compared to 46 percent during the day. The nighttime period with the highest percentage of unrestrained fatalities was midnight to 3 a.m. (71%). Younger driver and passenger fatalities were unrestrained at high rates, especially at night. Almost 70 percent of occupant fatalities in the 16 to 20 (68%), 21 to 24 (68%), and 25 to 34 (69%) age cohorts were unrestrained during nighttime. Males had higher percentages of unrestrained fatalities than females. About 70 percent of male nighttime fatali-ties were unrestrained. Pickup truck occupants had the highest percentages of unrestrained fatalities. More than three-fourths of the pickup truck occupants fatally injured during nighttime were unrestrained. (Author/publisher)

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20080688 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, National Center for Statistics & Analysis NCSA, 2008, 13 p., 3 ref.; NHTSA Traffic Safety Facts Research Note ; May 2008 / DOT HS 810 948

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