Child passenger safety : a pilot test of a K-6 curriculum. Prepared for the North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program.

Li, L.K. Walker, P.F. Steward, J.R. Chi, G. Ma, J.M. & Bodkin, D.

A Car Passenger Safety Curriculum, which included materials at three grade levels, K-1, 2-3, and 4-6, was developed and pilot tested in an elementary school system. Before and after studies were conducted at 5 treatment schools and 5 control schools for comparison. Observations were made at all 10 schools of actual belt usage of children being driven to school. Workshops were conducted for teachers at the treatment schools and knowledge tests were administered to third and fifth grade students at the treatment and control schools. After administration curriculums, belt usage observations were repeated in all 10 schools. Actual belt usage by children increased significantly at the treatment school; the net increase at the treatment school was almost two and a half times that in the comparison schools. Also, the treatment group showed higher rates of usage for drivers as well as a lower incidence of "crowding" (use of nonconventional seat positions). The Car Passenger Safety Curriculum is designed to continue throughout the elementary school years and the cumulative effects could be expected to result in greater learning. This report gives details of the conduct of the study; review of literature and available materials; development of new curriculum; selection of school system; development of evaluation plan; conduct of teacher workshops; administrative and teaching feasibility; assessment of knowledge change; safety belt usage observations; and recommendations. (A)

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C 8852 [electronic version only] /83 /91 /

Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina UNC, Highway Safety Research Center HSRC, 1983, 219 p., 2 ref.; HSRC ; PR 125

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