Child road safety : achieving the 2010 target. An action plan prepared in consultation with the Child Road Safety Sub-group of the Road Safety Advisory Panel.


The UK target for child casualties (under 16 years of age, cyclists, pedestrians and vehicle occupants) is to achieve a 50% reduction by 2010 compared with the average for 1994-98. The Road Safety Advisory Panel was established to discuss and monitor the progress being made in implementing the strategy. The casualty data show that child pedestrians are the most significant problem, particularly the 8-15 year age group. The vast majority of casualties occur on built-up roads. The number of children killed as car passengers exceeds the number killed as cyclists. Children in the lowest socioeconomic group are fivefold as likely to be killed as those in the highest group. Children in ethnic minority groups are also at higher risk. Progress with the Road Safety Strategy is outlined. This includes traffic calming, changes in the legislation for school crossing patrols, educational materials, yellow school buses, targeted government grants to local authorities, tackling social disadvantage, and changes in vehicle design. Research projects, demonstration projects, publicity campaigns and action plans are described. Child casualty data are provided in annexes.

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C 26087 [electronic version only] /10 /81 /83 /91 / ITRD E117837

London, Department for Transport DfT, 2003, 86 p.

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