The child in traffic.

Sandels, S.

The number of young children on streets and roads in Sweden will increase greatly because of the general introduction in 1975 of preschool groups. In 1973, a pilot study was carried out with the help of a questionnaire. The forms were first discussed with a number of parents, teachers, architects, traffic police etc. On the basis of the answers a new questionnaire has been worked out, which is presented for discussion. For the covering abstract of the conference, see IRRD abstract no 218603.

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B 8883 (In: B 8877) /82 /83.2 / IRRD 218609

In: Report of the 1st international pedestrian/bicycle seminar, 27-29 May 1974, hotel Metropole, London. 1975, p. 53-68, 4 ref.

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