Children's ideas about cars and health : an environmental motivator?

Boyes, E. & Stanisstreet, M.

A large number (900) of 13-14 year old UK school pupils have been surveyed regarding their understanding of motor transport as a polluter. In particular, their concerns about the ways in which vehicle exhausts affect the health of the population, and their own willingness to accept restrictions on the use of different types of transport has been interrogated. It would appear that their main concern is that vehicle exhausts affect breathing, although the mechanism by which this occurs is not well known. However, the main influence on their willingness to accept restrictions on transport use appears to be the fear that vehicle exhausts may be a serious cause of cancer. (Author/publisher).

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C 20218 [electronic version only] /15 / ITRD 898088

Transportation Research Part D - Transport and Environment, Vol. 3 (1998), No. 2 (March), p. 105-111, 11 ref.

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