Cities, area and transport energy.

Hughes, B.P. Chambers, L. Lansdell, H. & White, R.

The issues relating to urban form, transport planning and energy consumption have been debated in detail over the past decade. This paper revisits this issue with particular emphasis on energy use in the context of urban areas. This paper focuses specifically on transport energy use (subsequently generally referred to as 'energy'), urban area, and relevant population density (in this paper generally referred to as 'density'). The references provide further explanation of these parameters which is essential to the understanding of the issue. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E210413.

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C 29034 (In: C 28997 CD-ROM) /15 /10 / ITRD E210377

In: ATRF03 : [proceedings of the] 26th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF) : leading transport research in the 21st century, Wellington, New Zealand, 1-3 October 2003, 14 p.

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