Citizen's band radio safety evaluation project. Volume I: Technical summary report.

Giangualano, N.F. Crounse, K.S. McPhail, R.G. & Defrancesco, H.F.

The experiment employed in the project was designed to evaluate the contributions to highway safety that result from State Police use of Citizen's Band (CB) radio. The experiment shows that State Police use of CB radio, (1) improves response times to requests for assistance, (2) increases the number of reports on unsafe driving acts and conditions, (3) increases public and State Police participation in reporting and responding to highway safety related incidents, and (4) provides for a public/State Police interface. The results obtained from two opinion polls are described. The public opinion poll indicates a high level of acceptance by the public for State Police use of CB radios. The State Trooper opinion poll indicates a high level of troopers acceptance of CB radios and agreements among troopers that CB radio use helps them in the performance of their duties. Recommendations are presented on how the effectiveness of CB radio and related communication supporting the highway system can be improved.

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B 18328 MF [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1977, 63 p., ref.; DOT HS 803 581

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