Classification of motorcycles as a distinct vehicle class.


The Austroads classification system provides vehicle classification by axle configuration or by vehicle length. The classification system by axle configuration specifies that vehicles be classified into 12 classes or bins. Classes 1 and 2 are designated as Light Vehicles and the other ten classes as Heavy Vehicles. Motorcycles are currently classified as light vehicles within the Austroads Vehicle Classification system. This research was instigated to study the feasibility to update the classification system and based on ongoing issues with motorcycle safety. This project aimed to test whether motorcycles can be identified as a separate class of vehicle based on distance between axles. The study included the production of a report based on in-depth investigations of a number of motorcycles and light vehicles passing a section of a road in metropolitan area. This study revealed that motorcycles could be identified as a separate class of vehicle with a high level of reliability. However, the classification system is unsuitable for accurately identifying motorcycles in complex traffic circumstances. (Author/publisher)

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C 49657 [electronic version only] /10 /91 / ITRD E219324

Sydney, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2010, V + 13 p.; AUSTROADS Research Report AP-R353/10 - ISBN 978-1-921709-10-4

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