Clearance intervals in traffic signals : a key intersection safety.

Al-Assar, R. & Datta, T.K.

The installation of traffic signals at intersections is a valuable tool for improving safety and traffic flow. To achieve the potential benefit of traffic signals, the timing, phasing and other parameters must be carefully selected for site specific traffic characteristics. Design and selection of a clearance interval at a signalised intersection has been a controversial issue for some time. For the covering abstract see ITRD E116488.

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C 25577 (In: C 25556) /73 /82 / ITRD E116509

In: Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA) dedicated conference on road and vehicle safety, Florence, Italy, 16th - 19th June 1997, p. 235-246, 8 ref.

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