Clearinghouse makes great progress in 1998. [Article title in the journal contains misspelling "progess" of "progress."]


The National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse opened in February 1998 and is a unique partnership between the American Road and Transportation Builders Association and the Federal Highway Administration. The facility is fast becoming the leading source of information for people looking to help reduce the deaths and injuries associated with roadway construction sites. The clearinghouse provides information useful to contractors, educators, labor unions, public safety officers, public and private work zone safety advocates, manufacturers, researchers, suppliers of traffic control devices, traffic law enforcement officials, traffic and highway design engineers, utility companies, and the news media. Users can take advantage of the facility's databases and electronic linkages to find information about the following topics: successful strategies for public education and outreach programs; state specifications related to work zone safety; training courses, seminars, and products; research reports on new technologies; crash data; state work zone contacts and best practices for improving work zone safety; and current laws and regulations to improve work zone safety. Clearinghouse services can be accessed via toll-free phone, fax, electronic mail, or the Internet. (Author/publisher)

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20061580 ST [electronic version only]

Transportation Builder, Vol. 11 (1999), No. 3 (March), p. 6-7

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