Closing session.

Peyser, P. McCorquedale, D. Capelle, D.G. & Roach, W.T.

Concluding remarks concerning HOV facilities are given by four speakers. P. Peyser gives an overview of the activities of the HOV Coalition, a coalition of a variety of groups interested in a more effective advocacy for HOV facilities at the federal level. D. Mccorquodale provides a preview of the 1992 HOV conference which will be held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. D.G. Capelle discusses the activities of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) HOV Systems Committee. W.T. Roach concludes the conference. This conference was conducted by the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle and Washington State Department of Transportation in co-operation with the Federal Highway Administration and the Urban Mass Transportation Administration.

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C 12754 (In: C 12744 S) /72 /73 /10 / IRRD 849893

In: Conference proceedings of the fifth national high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities conference "HOV facilities : coming of age", Seattle, Washington, April 28 - May 1, 1991, p. 63-71

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