Co-ordination of traffic management with investment challenges.

Vassileva, L.D.

Population mobility in cities of one to 2 million inhabitants is provided and secured at strategic and intermediate transport levels. Most dynamic by modes and routes are the intermediate levels, which include various bus and non-motorised transport modes for low to medium income people at distances 25 km and more. In management these levels are adaptable to functional and investment challenges due to changes in demand, but need to be co-ordinated with strategic frameworks, as illustrated with the example of Harare. For the covering abstract see ITRD E116619.

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C 25723 (In: C 25667) /10 /72 /73 / ITRD E116675

In: Urban mobility for all : proceedings of the 10th international CODATU conference, held in Lomé, Togo, 12-15 November 2002, p. 575-580, 15 ref.

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