Cognitieve organisatie van wegbeelden. Deel III

verslag van twee experimenten met het classificeren door weggebruikers van wegen binnen en buiten de bebouwde kom. In opdracht van Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.
Gundy, C.M. Verkaik, R. & Groot, I.M. de

For the two experiments described in this study, a stratified sample was taken of urban road sites within built-up areas. This was subdivided by seven road classes, three urbanisation levels, and by the presence or absence of an intersection in the immediate vicinity. In addition, for experiment I a stratified sample was taken of rural road locations outside built-up areas, subdivided by seven road classes, two districts, and by the presence or absence of an intersection in the immediate vicinity. All these locations were photographed from the driver's viewpoint. In experiment I, the two samples of photographs were put together, and a selection of 112 photographs (from both inside and outside built-up areas) were shown to 24 volunteer subjects. The subjects were asked to sort the photographs into piles, keeping photographs `of the same sort' in the same pile, and putting those `of different sorts' in different piles. In experiment II, a selection of 94 photographs was shown to 21 volunteer subjects. They were asked to learn the seven road classes. They were then shown a large number of road pictures and had to try to name the correct class in each case. After giving their response to each photograph they were told the correct classification. See also C 3715 (IRRD 874814) and C 5784 (IRRD 882417).


C 8807 [electronic version only] /82 /83 / IRRD 892354

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1997, 43 p., 20 ref.; R-97-27


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