Cognitive modelling and simulation of drivers mental models.

Bellet, T. Bailly, B. Mayenobe, P. Georgeon, O. Tattegrain-Veste, H. Martin, R. Mille, A. & Trassoudaine, L.

The aim of this article is to present the Driver Modelling Program developed by the Ergonomics and Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of INRETS. After a brief state of the art concerning car-driver modelling, we will describe the general architecture of our COgnitive Simulation MOdel of the DRIVEr (called COSMODRIVE), the formalism used for modelling drivers mental models, and the cognitive processes involved in their elaboration. Then, we will present a methodology used to study drivers situation awareness, according to several sources of variation. The conclusion will be focused on the future perspectives of this research program, with an aim of automatically assess drivers' mental model from driving behaviour (Author/publisher)

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20051216 p ST (In: ST 20051216)

In: Proceedings of the international workshop on modelling driver behaviour in automotive environments, Ispra, Italy, May 25-27, 2005, p. 165-184, 40 ref.

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