Few studies have investigated whether being involved in an alcohol-related motor vehicle crash is an early indicator of future alcohol-related disease. A population based cohort study involving 3286 motor vehicle crashes between 1988 and 1992 were followed over an 8 to 13 year period to elicit whether drivers involved in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes were more likely to have future alcohol-related hospital admissions. The findings from the study suggest a twofold increased risk associated with an alcohol-related motor vehicle crash and future alcohol-related hospital admission. In fact, the average time between an alcohol-related motor vehicle crash and future alcohol-related hospital admission was 12 years. Men and Indigenous Australian drivers were also more likely to have a future alcohol-related hospital admission. It is evident from this study that drink-driving resulting in a motor vehicle crash could be considered an indicator of a less overt problem of alcohol dependency. It is important therefore, that penalties for drink driving must recognise the basis of this critical issue. (Author/publisher)