Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1985 : dynamiek en evenwicht in verkeer en mobiliteit : bundeling van bijdragen van het colloquium gehouden te Den Haag op 28 en 29 november 1985.

Clercq, F. le

The purpose of the Transportation Planning Research Colloquium on Dynamics and Equilibrium in Transportation and Mobility, was to provide a meeting ground for the presentation and discussion of new insights and ideas in the field of transportation planning and its relationship with spatial planning. For abstracts of the papers see PB 24702 - 24745.

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B 24701 [electronic version only] /21 /71 /72 /96 / IRRD 290388

Delft, Planologisch Studiecentrum, 1986, LVI + 956 p.p fig., graph., tab., ref.

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