Combined location-routing model for hazardous waste transportation and disposal.

Zograpos, K.G. & Samara, S.

Complementary to the hazardous waste routing problem is the problem of where to locate hazardous waste disposal and treatment facilities. However, the literature lacks combined location and routing models for hazardous waste transportation and disposal. An alternativeway to study the hazardous waste transportation and disposal problem is presented herein by considering simultaneously the following location and routing criteria: (a) minimize disposal risk, (b) minimize routing risk, and (c) minimize travel time. A hypothetical example is used to illustrate the applicability of the model. The proposed model can be used by hazardous waste management agencies for planning and policy evaluation. (A)

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C 9455 (In: C 9450 S) /72 / IRRD 865998

In: Transportation of hazardous materials 1989, Transportation Research Record TRR 1245, p. 52-59, 16 ref.

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