Combined temperature and lighting effects on the performance of repetitive tasks with differing visual content. Paper presented at the CIE Congress in London, September 1975.

Löfberg, H.A. Löfstedt, B. Nilsson, I. & Wyon, D.P.

A climate chamber experiment on the combined effects of temperature and illuminance on the performance of 144 ten- year old children. Three illuminances (60, 250 and 1 000 lux) were combined with two levels of heat stress, one equivalent to normal room temperature (c 22°C) and one to a moderate level of heat stress (c 27°C). The results of performance tests with Landolt rings of different sizes and of an addition test are reported.

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2 + 3 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 29743 /83.2 /

Stockholm, Statens Institut för Byggnadsforskning (National Swedish Institute for Building Research, 1975, 21 p., 13 ref.; Meddelande från SIB (Bulletin from SIB), 16:1975 /Research Project 274:7

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