Commercial vehicle control management system based on vehicle operation data.

Hattori, Y.

When assigning delivery routes to commercial vehicles, an efficient delivery plan that is as immune as possible to traffic congestion or road blockages is essential to ensure punctual deliveries of cargo. When developing a strategy to satisfy the above requirement, it is first necessary to keep a record of the travels of each vehicle. The collected data can then be used to optimize the efficiency of the operation of the vehicle fleet. With these requirements in mind, the Commercial Vehicle Control Management System has been developed for ensuring optimum distribution by commercial vehicles. The Commercial Vehicle Control Management System has the following aims and features: 1. Preliminary plan drafting based on traffic simulations (including predictions of the number of vehicles, selection of destinations, optimization of delivery routes, ideal allocation of parking lots); 2. Installing an on-vehicle device to collect data on the operation of vehicles while executing the movement management control of vehicles by means of GPS (Global Positioning System); Real-time centralized control of vehicle distribution via packet communications between the control center and the vehicles; 3. Keeping track of traffic conditions and the required traveling time for each vehicle based on vehicle operation data from the on-vehicle packet communicators, selecting the best route from preset routes, and furnishing the driver of each vehicle with proper instructions and guidance.

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C 33457 (In: C 26095 CD-ROM) /72 /73 / ITRD E829895

In: ITS - Transforming the future : proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Sydney, Australia, 30 September - 4 October 2001, 11 p.

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