Commercial vehicle safety in Canada : fifth annual report to Parliament = Sécurité des véhicules commerciaux au Canada : cinquième rapport annuel au Parlement.

Transport Canada, Road Safety Directorate, Safety and Security (prep.)

This report describes the progress in implementing the National Safety Code (NSC) standards using information from a survey conducted in early 1997, and provides a depiction of the status of NSC implementation as of January 1997. Part 2 on commercial vehicle collisions includes a review of available data on collisions involving commercial vehicles for the period 1991 to 1995. This report is the fifth to be tabled in Parliament. (A)

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982071 ST

Ottawa, Ontario, Transport Canada, 1997, III + 33 + 35 p.; TP 10102 / Catalogue No. T-45-4/1996 - ISBN 0-662-63408-X

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