Communications architecture for early implementation of Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems IVHS.

Chadwick, D.J. Patel, V.M. & Saxton, L.G.

The paper considers the viability of an IVHS programme which is dependent on several factors, one of which is the necessary communications architecture. It is natural to think of designing an IVHS communications architecture that makes use of existing infrastructures for other communications services. This strategy enables more efficient use of the RF spectrum while it reduces the total cost of services by sharing the communications infrastructure and end-user equipment. A communications architecture is proposed for IVHS called the Subsidiary Communications Authority Traffic Information Channel (STIC), based on the widely available FM radio broadcast services' infrastructures by making use of FM subcarrier technology. This preliminary design also shows that STIC has a higher data transmission capacity than any other existing FM subcarrier broadcast system and that it has the potential to meet the one-way outbound (broadcast) data transmission capacity needs of IVHS for the next few years. In addition, STIC architecture is capable of being scaled up in the future. (A)

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C 9437 (In: C 9424 S) /72 / IRRD 867005

In: Intelligent vehicle highway systems IVHS, Transportation Research Record TRR 1408, p. 101-107, 5 ref.

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