Communications between defence and the civilian transport industry.

Christopherson, G.J.

The transport organisation of the Australian defence force (ADF) is structured on the basis that extensive use will be made of the civilian transport infrastructure, not only for day to day administrative functions, but also for support in times of operational contingency. Although civilian industry has accepted the need to provide a service to the ADF in peacetime, the longer term contingency planning issue has not attracted a high priority in the past. Defence is making a determined effort to improve communication with industry, and with other government departments, on the need for transport planning to support contingencies. A number of initiatives are in hand to improve the present situation.

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B 31252 (In: B 31233) /10 / IRRD 814856

In: 1989 National Transport Conference, Melbourne, 23- 25 May 1989. Transport for the users, p. 102- 107.

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