Community Road Safety in Australia and New Zealand.

Cairney, P.

This project report documents current experience, explores objectives, evaluations and priorities, considers trends and opportunities and makes recommendations for future directions for Community Road Safety programs. Current experience is documented through a literature review and an overview of programs running at time of writing in Australia and New Zealand. Issues relating to future directions are discussed under headings dealing with the scope and role of community road safety programs, the linkage between community road safety and road safety indicators, and improvements in the operation of community road safety. (Author/publisher) Austroads Project RS.UB.N.531.

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C 24132 [electronic version only] /82 / ITRD E208160

Haymarket, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2002, V + 115 p., 7 ref.; AP-R214/02 - ISBN 0-85588-637-4

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