Community transport : the role of help the aged in the UK.

Harbert, W.

This article presents the role of the charity 'help the aged', in providing transport for disabled people in the United Kingdom. Since the inception of the help the aged community transport campaign in 1979, assistance has been offered to local organisations who wish to acquire a minibus. Such assistance is administrative as well as financial, as much different expertise involving a number of different organisations is required to both man, administer and maintain a minibus. The West Suffolk Rural Day Centres Project is given as an example of how the charity identifies needs, brings interested parties together, and offers specialist assistance. Help the aged also provides funds to assist in the financing of the community transport association's advice and information service.

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C 1415 (In: C 1359 [electronic version only]) /72 / IRRD 856225

In: Comotred 92 : mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons : proceedings of the 6th international conference, May 31st - June 3rd 1992, Eurexpo, Lyon, France, Volume 1, 1992, p. 440-444

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