Commuting accidents in the Stockholm region 1971.

Aldman, B. Forsström, Å. & Samuelsson, U.

A preliminary study on an interdisdisciplinary project "commuting accidents" is presented. One part of the project concerns the commuting system, the other medical aspects of the accidents. The aim of the project is to study all sorts of accidents with personal injury occurring on commuting modes. The summary is concentrated to one group of the population: women who commute with public means of transportation.

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B 10424 (In: B 10402) /80/84/ IRRD 223146

In: Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting on Biomechanics of Injury to Pedestrians, Cyclists and Motorcyclists (IRCOBI), Amsterdam, 7-8 September 1976, p. 260-269, 2 fig., 12 tab., 1 ref.

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