The compact city : conflict of interest between housing and mobility aims in The Netherlands.

Maat, K.

This chapter discusses the gap between policy and behaviour, or intent and reality as they relate to the creation of compact cities in the Netherlands. The Netherlands was one of the first countries to promote compact cities as an answer to urban sprawl, and the tendency of the population to use automobiles instead of public transit and bicycles as the primary means of transportation. Compact cities have not materialised to the extent that some urban planners desired. This is due, to some extent on the limitations of the theory of the effect on mobility of compact cities. It is also due to the inadequate policy promoting compact cities. The chapter has the following subject headings - 1. Introduction, 2. Historical Development, 3. Urbanisation and its Preconditions, 4. The Dilemma: To Meet Residents/ Preferences or to Attain Stated Mobility Goals?, 5. The Effects of Increase in Density, 6. Conclusions and Perspective.

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In: Travel behaviour : spatial patterns, congestion and modelling, Transport Economics, Management and Policy Series, 2002, p. 3-19, 33 ref.

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