Comparative measurements of pavement deflections : FWD-curviametre.

Czarnecki, K. Szpinek, S. Godlewski, D. & Heritier, B.

In this paper the results of the comparative deflection measurements carried out in Poland on flexible and semi-rigid pavements are discussed. The measurements had been conducted on test sections by means of a high-output French apparatus called Curviametre and the Danish FWD. The discussion of systematic pavement bearing capacity evaluation parameters while using this apparatus was presented. As a result of the research, a possibility to use both types of measuring apparatus for the same pavement management system (PMS) was confirmed. (A) The German title of this article is: Vergleichs-Messungen der Senkungen von Strassendecken : FWD-Curviametre.

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C 5234 (In: C 5225 a) /22 / IRRD 865177

In: Roads help to integrate : proceedings of the East-West European Road Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 22-24 September 1993, Volume 1, p. 66-70, 4 ref.

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