A comparative study on the major problems of urban goods movement and its countermeasures between developed and developing cities in Asia.

Castro, J.T. Kuse, H. & Takahashi, Y.

Southeast Asia is one of the most dynamic regions experiencing accelerated economic development. As a consequence, government infrastructure programs have been struggling to keep up with the present and future demands of this extraordinary growth. In this paper, urban goods movement (UGM) characteristics of seven selected Asian cities were examined. A cluster analysis was done to group the cities based on the choice of countermeasures against the problems of UGM, and its transport and socioeconomic characteristics. An investigation between the representative members of the clustered groups was done through a comparison of goods movement characteristics of Tokyo and Manila. (A)

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C 17521 (In: C 17505) /10 / ITRD E105202

In: Proceedings of the 8th world conference on transport research WCTR, Antwerp, July 12-17, 1998, Volume 1: transport modes and systems, p. 637-650, 7 ref.

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