Comparing VR and non-VR driving simulations : an experimental user study. Paper presented at the 2017 IEEE Virtual Reality VR, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 18-22 March 2017.

Weidner, F. Hoesch, A. Poeschl, S. & Broll, W.

Up to now, most driving simulators use either small monitors or large immersive projection setups like 2D/3D screens or a CAVE. The recent improvements of VR-HMDs led to an increased application in driving simulation. However, the influence and comparability of various VR and non-VR displays has been hardly investigated. The authors present results of a user study investigating the different influence of non-VR (2D, stereoscopic 3D) and VR (HMD) on physiological responses, simulation sickness, and driving performance within a single driving simulator. In the study, 94 participants performed the Lane Change Task. Results indicate that a VR-HMD leads to similar data as stereoscopic 3D or 2D screens. The authors observed no significant difference regarding physiological responses or lane change performance. However, they measured significantly increased simulator sickness in the VR-HMD condition compared to stereoscopic 3D. (Author/publisher)

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20200337 ST [electronic version only]

In: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Virtual Reality VR, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 18-22 March 2017, p. 281-281, 7 ref.

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