A comparison of automobile and truck decelerations during emergency braking.

Reed, W.S. & Keskin, A.T.

Truck skid marks are routinely used as a basis for computing energy loss and the associated speed change. Site specific coefficient of friction values, however, are most often related to passenger car tests. Therefore, to properly utilize truck skid data requires a correlation between truck and car responses to full braking. This paper reports the results of two series of tests correlating the response of trucks and car under a range of similar conditions.

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B 26938 (In: B 26928) /80 /91 / IRRD 812484

In:Accident Reconstruction:Automobiles, tractor, semi- trailers, motorcycles and pedestrians.SAE publication No.P- 193.Proceedings of the International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 23- 27, 1987, p.79- 84, 5 ref. SAE paper No. 870502.

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