Comparison of driving performance of young and old drivers (with and without visual impairment) measured during in-traffic conditions.

Wood, J.M. & Mallon, K.

The aim of this study was to determine whether visual impairment and age affected driver performance and safety rated during in-traffic driving conditions. Participants included 30 younger, 25 middle-aged, and 35 older subjects with normal vision and 47 older subjects with visual impairment. All subjects were legally eligible to drive. Driving performance was assessed during in-traffic conditions by a professional driving instructor and an occupational therapist using specific scoring criteria. Group allocation significantly affected driving performance as assessed by the driving instructor and occupational therapist (p < 0.05). The driving instructor and occupational therapist scores were highly correlated (r = 0.76). Of the drivers who were scored as being unsafe, all were older and the majority (75%) had visual impairment. Older drivers with or without visual impairment were rated as being less safe than the younger and middle-aged drivers with normal vision. (A)

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20020260 ST [electronic version only]

Optometry and Vision Science, Vol. 78 (2001), No. 5 (May), p. 343-349, 25 ref.

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