Comparison of the effects of methadone and levo-alpha-acetyl-methadol (LAAM) on simulated driving performance.

Lenne, M. Dietze, P. Rumbold, G. Redman, J. & Triggs, T.

Methadone is currently the primary pharmacotherapy used in the treatment of heroin dependence in Australia. Levo-alpha-acetyl-methodol (LAAM is a new pharmacotherapy that is being trialled as an alternative to methadone maintenance in Victoria. It is therefore necessary to determine whether clients receiving LAAM treatment are subject to any increase in accident risk compared to both methadone clients and ex-user controls. Methadone, LAAM, and ex-heroin users participated in this study which involved operating a driving simulator over a 75 minute period. Each participant attended a total of four sessions. One session involved their pharmacotherapy alone (without alcohol) and one with their pharmacotherapy in combination with alcohol. The two additional sessions allowed for an examination of whether there are any differences in driving performance when the levels of each pharmacotherapy are at both high (4 hours after dosing) and low (just prior to dosing) levels in the body. The findings from this study are discussed in relation to proposed legislative changes in the area of drugs and driving planned for Victoria. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E202275.

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C 38311 (In: C 38292 CD-ROM) /83 / ITRD E202294

In: Proceedings of the 2nd Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, University House, Canberra, Australia, 28-30 November 1999, p. 357-362

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