Comparison of eye fixations of operators of motorcycles and automobiles.

Mortimer, R.G. & Jorgeson, C.M.

Eye fixations in motorcycle driving differed from those used in car driving in being a) more frequently closer to the vehicle; b) more to the right of the field-of-view directly ahead, and c) greater in mean dwell time in those fixations in the lane. Results of the study suggested that in night driving relatively higher foreground illumination is needed by motorcyclists than car drivers, and that an effective motorcycle meeting beam would likely be asymmetrical to provide visibility along the right side of the road.

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2 + 10 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 7016 fo /83.2/91.2/

Warrendale, PA, Society of Automotive Engineers SAE, 1975, 8 p., 4 fig., 5 tab., 5 ref.; SAE Paper No. 750363.

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