A comparison of injury motor accidents in Otara and Glenfield.

Kippenberger, P.R. & Houghton, D.G.

An analysis is made of reported motor accidents involving injury over a period of four years in two selected residential areas of Auckland, one of which (Otara) is a government developed area and the other (Glenfield) is a privately developed area. The accident pattern for these areas is compared with that for all urban areas of New Zealand. The main feature of the analysis is that a significantly larger proportion of pedestrian accidents is found to occur in the government developed area than in either the privately developed area or national urban areas and the ages of injured pedestrians are found to be significantly younger in the government developed area. Some comments are made on the implications of these findings. (Author/publisher)

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B 14541 /81.3/

Wellington, Ministry of Transport, Traffic Research Section 1978, 37 p., 8 ref.; Traffic Research Report No. 20

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