Comparison of injury severity assigned to lower extremity skeletal damages versus upper body lesions.

Reidelbach, W. & Zeidler, F.

An earlier investigation of frontal collisions revealed the fact that offset collision is the most common type and that among injured belted car occupants serious injuries(AIS 3+) to the lower extremities are more frequent than injuries in the upper torso and head region. When trying to estimate the overall significance of these injuries including injury induced societal costs, it was realized that equally coded injuries (AIS 3) obviously have to be assigned widely different numbers in terms of treatment period, temporary disability etc. Therefore the AIS should be revised.

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B 22863 (In: B 22851 [electronic version only]) /84/ IRRD 275775

In: Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the American Association of the Automotive Medicine (AAAM), San Antonio, Texas, October 3-6, 1983, p. 141-155, 17 ref.

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