A comparison of mechanisms of ankle, knee, pelvis and neck injuries in pedestrians and in cyclists according to the direction of impact and type of vehicle.

Teresinski, G. & Madro, R.

In 683 pedestrian and 124 cyclist fatal victims the mechanisms of ankle, knee, hip, pelvis, cervical spine and neck muscles injuries were evaluated. The typical patterns of injuries were determined according to the direction of impact and the type of vehicle. The findings showed the relation between the direction of impact, the shape of vehicle's body and the mechanism of injuries found at the individual "levels" of the osteoarticular system. The results of the study may be used for forensic reconstruction of the circumstances of road traffic accidents, for diagnosis and treatment of pedestrians who survived and for validation of crash test results. For the covering abstract see E135170.

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C 41857 (In: C 41848 CD-ROM) /91 / ITRD E135180

In: Proceedings of the 2003 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Lisbon (Portugal), September 24-25, 2003, Session 2 - Injury Mechanisms And Restraint Systems, 12 p., 30 ref.

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