Comparison of primary and secondary task measures as a function of simulated vehicle dynamics and driving conditions.

Wierwille, W.W. & Gutmann, J.C.

In a previously reported experiment involving a moving base driving simulator with computer-generated display, secondary task measures of workload showed significant increases as a function of large changes in vehicle dynamics and disturbance levels. because the secondary task measures appeared less sensitive than desired, driving performance measures recorded during the same experiment were later analyzed, and the results of this experiment are presented.

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2 + 4 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 13978 T /83.2/ IRRD 233726

Human Factors, Vol. 20 (1978), No. 2 (April), p. 233-244, 9 graph., 2 tab., 14 ref.

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