Comparison of quicklime and hydrated lime slurries for stabilization of highly active clay soils.

Petry, T.M. & Lee, T.-W.

Research is presented that was used to compare the stabilising effects of quicklime and hydrated lime slurries when applied to three samples of highly active clay soils from each of two geologic formations from north central texas. In addition, slurries made of the commercial lime products used in the research were studied and compared. The results obtained included soil properties measured before and after stabilisation with these two slurries. These results were compared by using statistical methods to determine the significant differences. It was found that the quicklime slurries had a less detrimental effect on compatibility of the soil, provided somewhat lower swell, caused the soil to have lower plasticity and higher strength, and allowed a lower percentage of lime to be used. In addition, significant differences in time-related changes in properties are discussed in the analyses and conclusions.

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C 14969 (In: C 14965 S) /42 / IRRD 827608

In: Artificial ground freezing and soil stabilization : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record TRR 1190, p. 31-37, 9 ref.

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