A Comparison of Road Safety in the Baltic Sea Region.

Pihlak, I. & Antov, D.

The paper compares road safety and accident data for the ten Baltic Countries: Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway and Sweden. The results obtained show remarkable differences between old and new EU countries in road safety situation. The Estonian Road Administration has set up targets for improvement of safety on roads. The Estonian National Road Safety Program declares that in the next ten-fifteen years the number of fatalities should be decreased by half or from 200 to 100. According to the target set by the Council of State of Finland the aim is to reduce the number of fatalities from 400 to 250 by the year 2005. For the covering abstract see ITRD E136183.

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C 49161 (In: C 49156 CD-ROM) /81 / ITRD E136212

In: Cost-effective solutions for improving road safety in rural areas - integrating the 4 Es - education, enforcement, engineering and electronics : proceedings of 17th ICTCT (International Cooperation on Theories and Traffic Concepts in Traffic Safety) workshop, Tartu, Estonia, October 2004, 9 p., 9 ref.

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