Computer aided visualisation of the optimal behaviour of vehicle glass components.

Auger, Q.

Large and highly curves glass surfaces, associated with high incidence angle of view, often create significant optical distortions which may generate visual discomfort. This discomfort is more relevant in dynamic situations than in static configurations. However, the current safety standards do not take into account this dynamic point of view. In this paper the author attempts to predict whether his car glazings are satisfactory, at the level of light transmission as well as reflection. Computational imaging power and networking technology should be used to make a better design more quickly, especially by visualizing without prototyping. (A)

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C 15890 (In: C 15840 [electronic version only]) /10 /91 / ITRD E106202

In: Vision in vehicles VII : proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Vision in Vehicles VIV7, Marseilles, September 1997, p. 463-470

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