Computer control of road traffic in German cities.

Lapierre, R.

In the federal republic of Germany a number of cities are al-ready using traffic computers. The majority of these computer centers consist of a central processor and a signal program Processor allowing for a division of labour into real control Functions and routine functions. In addition to the existing system of signal program selection special studies were under-taken in respect of traffic-actuated signal program generation by means of control program optimising the traffic flow at the intersection according to the criterion of the" sum total of all waiting times'. The studies have shown That such control systems are capable of considerably Reducing waiting times and, hence, of improving the flow of traffic.

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A 8778 (In: A 8777)

In: Urban traffic : first international symposium on traffic control, Versailles, 1-5 June 1970, Volume B, p. 3b.5/17

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